Hendrefoilan Primary School

Welcome to Hendrefoilan primary school.

  • Hendrefoilan primary school currently has 250 pupils on roll. 
  • In 2020, we built a new wing containing a new classroom, toilet, cloakroom. In 2023 we added a sensory room. Plans are underway to increase the school’s capacity by building new classrooms by 2029.   
  • There is a preschool childcare provision, nursery ‘wrap around,’ an after-school club and a holiday club, which are registered with the care inspectorate Wales.  
  • Hendrefoilan has eight mainstream classes from nursery to year 6.
  • The pupil admission number is 34.    
  • Hendrefoilan is in band two school meals with four percent of vulnerable pupils.  
  • We have 18 percent of pupils have additional learning or health needs, including three percent of these pupils who have individual development plans (IDPs).  
  • 19 percent of pupils have English as an additional language (EAL).
  • Last year’s whole school attendance was 93.9%, and current attendance is 94.1%.  

The school is situated on a large site with extensive grounds, boasting developed woodland, fields, two adventure playgrounds, a climbing boulder, netball courts, football pitches, chickens and a celtic roundhouse. Staff work tirelessly and have the best interests for all pupils. We recognise the link between wellbeing and learning. Pupils trust us and feel safe in school. Because of Hendrefoilan’s work promoting diversity and inclusion for all, we are immensely proud to have received the peace mala bronze award.  

At Hendrefoilan, we recognise the importance of belonging to the ‘whole-school Hendrefoilan team’. We encourage pupils, staff and parents to learn together and to be the best they can be, and we teach them to be kind, generous and considerate. We encourage pupils to advance despite adversity and we listen to their hopes and dreams. We instil a sense of belonging and acceptance through equity. We give energy, purpose and strength to the whole community.  

Hendrefoilan pupils love to play, and our school is full of happiness and enjoyment. Our curriculum is experiential, local and authentic and we use the outdoor area extensively. We have a broad well-balanced approach, and most pupils make above expected levels of progress in literacy and numeracy. The purpose of our curriculum is represented by six pirates (The hendre hearties) and these represent values that are embedded. Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary.  

Across the school, pupils attain extremely high standards in science and technology. The humanities are effectively taught through local and global studies. Religion values and ethics (RVE) and relationships and sexuality education (RSE) are statutory, and we follow the locally agreed syllabus. Creativity and innovation through music, art, drama is very well developed through music lessons, orchestra, choir, sports teams, competitions and plays. We promote excellent mental and physical health, and many pupils go on to achieve excellence, for example Head pupils at Olchfa, places at top universities, work in the community. 

Hendrefoilan achieved the bronze siarter iaith in 2019, the peace mala award and the healthy schools’ phase five in July 2022. The most recent LA health and safety inspection was in March 2023 and most recent safeguarding audit in April 2023. The school was last visited by Estyn in March 2024. Heath, safety and child protection procedures give no cause for concern.  

“Hendrefoilan Primary School is a calm and happy place where pupils make good progress and achieve well. Staff develop strong working relationships with pupils and the community. Pupils of all ages are friendly polite, and talk about their learning confidently. The school celebrates diversity and ensures that everyone is treated equally. The headteacher is well supported by the governing body. Together they ensure that pupils’ well-being and achievement are at the heart of the school’s work.” (Estyn 2024).

We have a strong history of successful school improvement in all areas and many staff go on to important leadership positions in other schools. We collaborate within the Swansea bay partnership and there are valuable networking opportunities. The school development plan is available on request.  Priorities are to: 

  • Strengthen pedagogy across the school to impact positively on pupil outcomes.
  • Develop pupils as independent learners.
  • Improve opportunities for pupils to apply their numeracy skills in their work across the curriculum.
  • To improve distributed leadership and develop leadership capacity.



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We are starting to build up the amount of information we have on the app but it may take some time to get it completely up-to-date. Please bear with us!

Please have a look at all the areas on the app:

📰Newsfeed – here you will find images and information about classes or the whole school.

📅Calendar – regularly check to ensure you don’t miss anything.

🗨Messages – through ‘push notifications you will receive information messages. You will also receive messages that you need to action just by the push of a button. You will be able to give consent for trips or events. Please ensure that you enable push notifications.

🎯The Hub – this will signpost links to other websites we ask you to use such as payment information, parents' evening booking, policies and curriculum links.

📄Forms – here you will find various forms, which you might need to access at some point. They do not need to be completed unless it is required.

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